Разделительные вопросы. Упражнения

Упражнение 1.  Сделайте из предложений разделительный вопрос.

1. Squirrels are funny.

2. He has a great car.

3. They brought the baby home.

4. It is a scary movie.

5. He has just arrived.

6. His presentation is about elephants.

7. I made a mistake.

8. I have made a mistake.


Упражнение 2. Допишите хвостик разделительного вопроса.

1. He won’t come to see her, ___________?

2. Those cars are expensive, ___________?

3. She is your teacher, ___________?

4. There isn’t much to talk about, ___________?

5. We have read this book,___________?

6. There are nice people here, ___________?

7. He is always late, ___________?

8. This show has been on TV for ages, ___________?


Упражнение 3. Добавьте хвостик к разделительным вопросам.

1. She was playing the piano at 5 o’clock, ___________?

2. She plays the piano every evening, ___________?

3. We were cleaning windows all day long, ___________?

4. We cleaned windows yesterday, ___________?

5. They ate the cake with pleasure, ___________?

6. They were eating the cake with pleasure,_________?

7. He was painting when she came, ___________?

8. She came when he was painting, ___________?



Упражнение 1.

  1. aren’t they  2.  hasn’t he   3.  didn’t they   4. isn’t it   5. hasn’t he   6. isn’t it  7.  didn’t I  8.  haven’t I

Упражнение 2.

  1. will he   2. aren’t they  3. isn’t she  4. is there  5.  haven’t we   6. aren’t there  7.  isn’t he   8. hasn’t it

Упражнение 3

  1. Wasn’t she  2. Doesn’t  she 3.  Weren’t we   4.  Didn’t we  5. Didn’t they  6.  Weren’t they  7. Wasn’t he  8. Didn’t she

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